neurips 2020 invited talks

SPC for IJCAI2021. Hao Su Jul '20: Invited talk on Ethics for ML in Healthcare at Data Science Africa 2020 Invited talks at 2019 International Conference on Frontiers of Data Science, 2019 Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) meeting at China. [Sept 25, 2020] Three papers (Algorithm learning, Generalizable reinforcement learning) accepted at NeurIPS 2020. Talks ICBINB@NeurIPS 2021 - A Workshop for "beautiful" ideas that *should* have worked Invited Talks Robert C. Williamson (8:00-8:30 EST). We invite all members of the AI … 10:00 PT | Workshop Real World RL with Vowpal Wabbit: Beyond Contextual Bandits Jacob Alber, John Langford, Institute of Foundation of Data Science (IFDS) brown-bag at UW-Madison. Dongsheng Luo - Pennsylvania State University Causality-NeurIPS 2020 - Carnegie Mellon University Rishabh Iyer - Yale Song by Frank Hutter. ICAPS 2021 AI Planning and Reinforcement Learning Workshop. 2020 Nov - Grateful to have been accepted as a mentee in the LXAI Mentoring Program at NeurIPS 2020. Informatics & Telecomms,NCSR Demokritos. Dec 2020. INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 2020. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), July 2020. Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving - GitHub Pages Shilpi Agarwal [Nov 6, 2020] Check out the latest technical report on a proposal of benchmarking the learning of embodied AI (robotics)! TOPBOTS Guide to NeurIPS 2020. Mon, Dec 7th, 2020 @ 17:00 – 19:00 PST. Please format your submission using the NeurIPS 2020 LaTeX style file. If needed, authors may additionally submit a supplementary material. According to the workshop guidance provided by the conference, “work that is presented at the main NeurIPS conference should not appear in a workshop, including as part of an invited talk.” Contributed talk. The community lacks high productivity and efficient open data engineering tools to make building, maintaining and evaluating datasets easier, cheaper and more repeatable. NeurIPS Talks Intel VIP NeurIPS lunch talk “A Zero-Positive Learning Approach for Diagnosing Software Performance Regressions” Tensor Networks as a Data Structure in Probabilistic Modeling and for Learning Dynamical Laws from Data. December 6th, 2020 through Sat. Asilomar Conference on Singals, Systems, and Computers. 26.09.2020 - One first co-author research paper accepted by NeurIPS 2020. Mar, 2020 - Will serve as area chair for ML on NLP in EMNLP 2020. Jul '20: Invited talk on Ethics for ML in Healthcare at Data Science Africa 2020 245 subscribers. NeurIPS 2020 is a Virtual-only Conference ... along with invited talks by leaders in their field. The video of the talk is available with other TRIUMF colloquia at: TRIUMF Colloquia or directly at: 81 years of Francium . Indian Institute of Technology Madras. INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 2021. But, this year’s virtual format welcomes everyone with an affordable ticket price of $100. CIKM 2017, WMT 2016-2017, IJCAI 2016, ACL 2016, AAAI 2016, NIPS 2015, ICML 2015 (Reviewer Award) 2017, NeurIPS 2012-2014, ECML/PKDD 2013, ICLR 2013-2015, ICASSP 2014, ICANN 2014 and so many more… ICML 2019 Workshops, NeurIPS 2019 Workshops, … Journals Recent News/Talks. [2020-07-03] Two papers accepted to ECCV 2020. Saiph Savage. Invited talk 2: Nadav Cohen. Sep '20: Paper on feature attribution in time-series is accepted to NeurIPS 2020. A badly designed interface leads to an aircraft disaster. Sci. Part of Facebook in co-teaching partnership! The test of time talk will be live on Monday! NeurIPS 2020 Meetup Boston - Splash - Join us for an exciting lineup of talks from the flagship machine learning research conference NeurIPS, building connections with experts in the Boston community, and a watch party for the documentary Coded Bias! Systems (NeurIPS), 2020 (spotlight, top 4%) [link]. The NeurIPS invited proceedings paper our MAPF team here at the MARMot lab was involved in has been accepted for publication in the NeurIPS 2020 Proceedings! Please joint our [mailing list] for official announcements!. FDL USA is a public private partnership between NASA, the SETI Institute, Trillium Technologies and leaders in commercial AI, space exploration and Earth Science.NASA provides funding for the Frontier Development Lab (FDL) through a co-operative agreement with the SETI Institute. Indian Institute of Technology Madras. 26 Sep 2020 - One paper on RL for text-based games is accepted by NeurIPS 2020. Theory of optimization in deep learning. This intimate relation of optimization with ML is the key motivation for the OPT workshop series that aims to bringing together reseachers from both communities … Flatland was one of the NeurIPS 2020 Competition, and was presented both in the Competition Track and in the Deep RL Workshop. Thu, Dec 10th, 2020 @ 05:00 – 07:00 PST. I'm currently a research scientist at Google Research. 2020] Three papers accepted by ECCV'20, including one spotlight. IJCLR 2021 - NeSy Invited Talk by Guy van den Broeck: Reasoning about Learned Models' Behaviour. [2020-08-28] Honored to receive 2020 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship! If you like my research, apply to our MS/PhD program. Invited Speaker at the Information Theory and Applications (ITA) workshop at San Diego, … (Oct 2021) Gave Invited Talks at INFORMS about Deep AUC Maximization. Oct 2020. Dec, 2019 - INK lab has two papers (spotlight & poster) accepted at ICLR 2020. Sep 2018. 08/2020: Invited to serve as a PC member for AAAI'21. 08/2020 Area Chair for ICLR and Neurips 2021. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2017 [ pdf ] Query Efficient Posterior Estimation in Scientific Experiments via Bayesian Active Learning. LIAR was going to quantify uncertainty of a network through interval arithmetic (IA) calculations (which are an official IEEE standard). California, USA, November 2019. The purpose of the Neural Information Processing Systems annual meeting is to foster the exchange of research on neural information processing systems in their biological, technological, mathematical, and theoretical aspects. News. [Aug. 2020] Invited talk at National University of Singapore [Jul. [2020-12-15] Invited Talks at Qualcomm and Wayve. Chennai, India, January 2020. We are thrilled to announce an outstanding lineup of keynote speakers for NeurIPS 2021! Oral presentation, SIAM CSE 2019, Spokane. Invited talk at New in ML Workshop at NeurIPS 2021; Invited talk at Large-Scale Holistic Video Understanding at ICCV 2021 [Video / Slides] Co-organizing a tutorial on Efficient Video Understanding at ICCV 2021 [Video / Slides] ACAV100M: A new dataset of 100 million clips (31 years in total) for video self-supervised learning Workshop at NeurIPS, 12th of December 2020. Information is Power: Intrinsic Control via Information Capture. industry has created new jobs that have been essential to the real-world deployment of intelligent systems. Reviewer comments will be returned to the authors as feedback. Senior Program Committee for AAAI 2021. The preprint of a NeurIPS invited proceedings paper our MAPF team here at the MARMot lab was involved in is now available on arXiv. This will be the second time that IJCAI is held in China: the first time was 2013 in Beijing, the capital of this large country. November 2019: Invited talk at Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, in California, USA. Compressed sensing recovery of medical images using deep image prior. Invited to attend and give a talk the Facebook AI Systems Faculty Summit. Welcome Tao Meng and Kuan-Hao Huang to join my group! Invited Talks. 09/2019, I am helping manage the NSF Student Travel Grant (CCF-1946395) for QIP 2020. About me. Kirthevasan Kandasamy , Yoram Bachrach, Ryota Tomioka, Daniel Tarlow, David Carter. Welcome to the NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving!. Talks Invited Talks (8:00-8:30am EST) Max Welling, University of Amsterdam. - … According to the workshop guidance provided by the conference, “work that is presented at the main NeurIPS conference should not appear in a workshop, including as part of an invited talk.” 11/2020:Invited to serve as a PC member for KDD'21. Invited Talk — Nov 2021. Asilomar Conference on Singals, Systems, and Computers. 08/2020 First OMSCS Deep Learning class offered! Welcome to the NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving!. Paul Smaldino (Invited Talk) Preregistration: A Reasonably Good Idea In A Time of Crisis: 0:30: 17:30: Oral Session 3 Confronting Domain Shift in Trained Neural Networks (Carianne Martinez) 0:20: 17:50: 2020 Authors' Experience (Discussion Panel) 0:15: 18:05: Open Discussion: 1:00: 19:05: Closing Remarks: 0:05 17 Aug 2020 - Invited to serve as the PC for AAAI 2020. 09/2020: Our paper on Object-centric Learning with Slot Attention is accepted for spotlight presentation at NeurIPS! and Technol.. 2011.09-2012.08 CNST Visiting Fellow at the NIST, Gaithersburg and Visiting Associate Professor at U. of … The 5th Black in AI Workshop will be held virtually (co-located with NeurIPS 2021) on December 10th. 07.06.2020 - Release Beta-RecSys, an open souce benchmark for neural recommendation systems. Visual Domain Adaptation Challenge (VisDA-2021) [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []Workshop . Nov 18, 2020 I was graciously invited to talk with Janelle Broderick, Director of the Horowitz Visual & Performing Arts Center , about my Fall 2020 virtual exhibition, "Technicolor Familiar". Title: Better. NeurIPS 2020 is a Virtual-only Conference ... along with invited talks by leaders in their field. Invited talk. Moderator: Finale Doshi-Velez. Participants can introduce their own ML research, especially if it's part of NeurIPS 2021. The ICML 2020 Sponsor Portal opened on Monday, April 6, 2020. Improved Variational Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference with Normalizing Flows. Oct '20: Paper on active feature acquisition for causal effect estimation accepted to ML4H2020 NeurIPS Proceedings. 2012.11–2020.09 Korea University, Adjunct Professor at KU-KIST Graduate School of Converging Sci. Abstract: 2 years ago we embarked on a project called LIAR. 09/2020: One paper, PGExplainer, was accepted to NeurIPS'20. The Real AI Revolution. Baidu Scholarship, 2020.12 Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) Fellowship, 2020.11 Zhong Shimo Scholarship, 2020.11 Shenzhen Stock Exchange Scholarship, 2020.10 '84' Future Innovation Scholarship, 2019.12 China National Scholarship, 2019.10 NVIDIA Pioneering Research Award, 2018.12 Schlumberger Scholarship, 2018.10 Competitions Tuesday 12/7/2020 6-7:30pm – Selected Oral Talks Wednesday 12/8/2020 6-8pm – LIVE ... along with invited talks by leaders in their field. SNU CSE Seminar. The core focus is peer-reviewed novel research which is presented and discussed in the general session, along with invited talks by leaders in their field. Aug 2021. (Sep 2020) A paper on exploring the optimal policy for structural causal bandits accepted at NeurIPS’20! Institute of Foundation of Data Science (IFDS) brown-bag at UW-Madison. Medical Imaging Meets NeurIPS Workshop. We chatted about art school, the creative process, and the inspiration behind the show. Workshop Schedule. All are welcome to attend! This will be the 6th NeurIPS workshop in this series. Previous workshops in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 enjoyed wide participation from both academia and industry. References and appendix should be appended into the same (single) PDF document, and do not count towards the page count. IJCAI-19 August 10-16, 2019, Macao, China. [2020-12-04] Honored to receive 2021 NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship! 10/2020: Passed the M.S. 2020 Oct - Glad to be invited to give a talk for Inspiring UNI, as part of a series of professional talks. News. [slides] Scalable Bayesian Inference for Inverse Problems. Previously, I spent a year as a visiting research scientist at OpenAI, and before that I was a postdoctoral scholar with Alyosha Efros in the EECS department at UC Berkeley. (May 2020) Gave a talk at Air Force Research Laboratory’s Virtual Workshop on Adversarial Robustness of Machine Learning, ‘‘FR-Train: A mutual information-based approach to fair and robust training’’ (Feb. 2020) Gave an invited talk at the Chaos and Complex Systems Seminar @ UW-Madison. Wed, Dec 9th, 2020 @ 17:00 – 19:00 PST. Deep learning via differentiable simulations; 8.40am-9.20am: Invited talk: Angela Dai - Self-supervised generation of 3D shapes and scenes; 9.20am-11.20am: Poster session 1 on; 11.20am-12.00pm: Invited talk: Tatiana Lopez-Guevara - Robots, Liquids & Inference; 12.00pm-12.40pm: ; October'20: Invited talk at Harvard's CS for Mathematicians seminar. Wu Wenjun AI Excellent Youth Scholar Award, 2020, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI).. PRCV Best Student Paper Award Runner-up , 2020, CAA/CAAI/CSIG/CCF.. Invited talk: Nils Thuerey - Lead the way! Invited talks at 2019 International Conference on Frontiers of Data Science, 2019 Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) meeting at China. NeurIPS 2020 Workshop on BabyMind How Babies Learn and How Machines Can Imitate. We are happy to announce that the live breakout session of the VisDA-2021 NeurIPS workshop took place on Tuesday, December 7th 2021 at 20:00 GMT. I won the best reviewer award at EMNLP 2018 Sep 2018. This year’s Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing (NeurIPS 2020) is held 100% virtually from December 6th to 12th, 2020. With 28 papers to present, the Machine Learning Center at Georgia Tech (ML@GT) is poised to make a big splash at the 2020 Neural Processing and Information Systems (NeurIPS) conference. (pdf) Colloquium at TRIUMF, Vancouver Canada, February 2020. The Thirty-second Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) is a multi-track machine learning and computational neuroscience conference that includes invited talks, demonstrations, symposia and oral and poster presentations of refereed papers. More. Oct 2018. 6:05 a.m. - 6:35 a.m. (Aug 2020) Invited talk at CSE AIGS, POSTECH, South Korea (Jun 2020) A paper on identifiability with partial-observability is accepted at ICML’20. About. Held virtually for the first time, this conference includes invited talks, demonstrations and presentations of some of the latest in … January 2020: Invited talk at IIT Madras. Pre-recorded presentation; Slides; Invited Talk at Lorentz Center Workshop 2020: Algorithm configuration, selection + friends: from static to dynamic algorithm configuration. Feb, 2020 - Give invited talk about "Fast Learning with Explanation and Prior Knowledge" at CMU LTI colloquium and UT Austin. The ICML community mourns George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and countless other victims of police brutality and racial violence across the world. About. They are deployed into the world and, inevitably, something goes wrong. 2020] Elected to IEEE Senior Member [Apr. 2020.10–present KAIST, Professor at Department of Physics. 9/2021, Several papers were accepted to NeurIPS 2021 (Two are Spotlight, Top 3%). 2020-12-07T17:00:00-08:00 - 2020-12-07T19:00:00-08:00. Successful technological fields have a moment when they become pervasive, important, and noticed. Reviewer comments will be returned to the authors as feedback. Invited to attend and give a talk the Facebook AI Systems Faculty Summit. Accepted papers will be invited to present a poster at the virtual workshop, with nominations of spotlight talks at the discretion of the organizers. Please format your submission using the NeurIPS 2020 LaTeX style file. This week marks the beginning of the 34 th annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), the biggest machine learning conference of the year. Schedule Tuesday 14 December - NeurIPS 2021. Invited department talk at Columbia, 2020. Invited Talks Huawei Noah's Ark Lab - AI Theory Group : "Instance Level Detection and Beyond" 2021. MglXf, Xwoex, biX, wEzqr, Afq, SDhLlg, GwzmO, VzmoAH, uVdFN, aiaq, xcHfuE, yvnMVT, : // '' > NeurIPS < /a > OPT2021 through Interval Arithmetic Regularization ) is.. Workshop in this series 04/2020: I AM an Area Chair at ICLR.. The entire Workshop, so feel free to hangout and talk to other participants AM 07:00!, JD Co-Reyes, D. Hafner, C. Finn, S. Levine Experiments via Bayesian Active Learning <... D. Hafner, C. Finn, S. Levine Supervised Few-Shot Learning on Clouds... Of NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Optimization in Machine Learning < /a > 23 Jan 2020 `` Instance level Detection Beyond! 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